Welcome Pack
You will find most of the important information you’ll need when your child starts pre-school in our Welcome Pack. We’ve included some handy guidance on your child’s first few days with us at pre-school including our routine, plus:
Read our latest OFSTED report
Sessions Available
Pre-school runs Monday to Friday during term time for children aged 2 to 4 years old. Morning sessions start at 09.15am and finish at 12.15pm with a lunch club running from 12.15pm to 12.45pm. Extended sessions are held on Tuesdays 12.15pm until 2.15pm.
Settling In
We have a flexible approach to settling your child in to pre-school where parents are welcome to stay until their child becomes confident in their new surroundings.
We offer a wide variety of resources and well-planned activities incorporating learning opportunities, based around interests and learning styles, following the Early Years Foundation Stage curriculum.
Children are accepted in nappies and we will support you with your child’s toilet training when they are ready. ‘Potty packs’ are available for parents to borrow.
Medical Needs
As an inclusive setting, please let us know if your child has any medical needs or allergies that we need to be aware of.
Find out more about our curriculum
Parent Involvement
Boley Park Pre-school is a charitable organisation managed by a parent-led committee. A parent committee enables the pre-school to operate successfully and to continue to develop.
Other ways to join in the fun:
We pride ourselves in arranging a variety of fun and educational trips, designed to enrich each child’s learning, offering new experiences and opportunities throughout the year. Parents frequently comment on how much they love being able to accompany their child on these special occasions, as they create long lasting memories and build friendships with other parents.
Thank you for organising and running a wide variety of trips throughout the year. The children love the different experiences and parents like time to get to know each other and see their children interacting.
Share your child’s education and development using our secure online system for recording key events during their learning journey. The modern online platform ‘Tapestry’ enables access to images and key worker observations linked to the areas of learning.
Enjoy logging in on your PC and mobile devices to view our observations and add your own comments. We love to see pictures and comments which you’ve added sharing your child’s home life experiences.
Jolly Phonics
Help your child learn their letter sounds along with us using the engaging Jolly Phonics scheme.
It’s not required, but some children like to wear our red polo shirts which are the same as our staff uniform. These are available to order for your child through the pre-school at reasonable cost.
Boley Bear
Our adventurous teddy ‘Boley Bear’ enjoys numerous travels throughout the school year at each child’s home. We love sharing pictures of special moments you’ve had with your child and Boley Bear both home and abroad.
Key Worker
Your child will be assigned a Key Worker who will help settle your child in to the pre-school. They will be responsible for their learning and development, making observations and identifying next steps. Where you have any concerns about your child, your Key Worker will be your primary contact.